Friday, May 30, 2008

Texas Polygamist families reunited with children

Texas welfare authorities say the state didn't have a right to take away over 400 children. I am dumb founded by this whole thing. The state is fighting to separate the children again but for now they are home. I believe children should be with their families but in this case I think its wrong. Young women being forced to be married to older men sounds unethical to me.

I was listening to NPR the other day and there was an interview from a few couples in Phillie who have embraced the polygamist lifestyle. One of the couples wife requested another wife be brought in the home and she even picked the second wife. Another was older and her husband requested the second wife who his first wife had resentment towards the second wife. Wifey #1 states they function as a normal family.

At the end of the day I can't understand the concept of sharing a husband. Seems to me like the male gets the better end of the deal. Never alone- jumps from house to house enjoying sex with several women and leaving the children behind. For the women - some days alone while her husband is with another women-taking care of their children and cleaning their home so when he returns everything is ready. RIDICULOUS, I am definitely not a fan of the idea. It seems unethical!

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